Grimm’s Hatchery

  • Price: $19.99
  • Refund policy: 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • Category: Simulation
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Adventure and SIM lovers, we’ve made a game that we think you will love! Explore villages in a beautiful kingdom, solve quests, find goodies, buy magical pets, breed magical pets, and create new species of pets!

Your step father has died and left the kingdom to your evil step brother, Lord Boras. However, if you earn 100,000 gold coins in 100 days, you can kick out Lord Boras and take the castle for yourself.

To get your kingdom back, you buy a run-down cottage called Grimm’s Farm, where you can raise and breed new species of magical pets. As your herd of magical pets swells, you can buy new, more luxurious places to raise your pets and unlock new parts of the kingdom to explore.

Important Note

While you wait for new releases from Amaranth Games, we do our best to keep you entertained with neat games from other developers. Unfortunately, we don't have time to play each game through from beginning to end. If you have played this game and feel that it contains material that is offensive to you, please report it with our Report Game With Illicit Content Form

Technical Information

  • Download Size: 17MB
  • Operating Systems: Windows 98+
  • RAM: 256MB